
  • Red means this area is highly congested currently. It is strongly recommended that you avoid this area unless absolutely necessary to reduce your chances of catching the coronavirus.
  • Yellow means that this area is moderately congested. It is still recommended to avoid this area, however given the proper barrier mechanisms, (gloves and a mask), you may proceed with caution.
  • Green means that this area is mildly congested. The chance to catch coronavirus is reduced, however is it still necessary to always wear the proper barrier mechanisms, such as gloves and a mask.

Enter City:

Enter Age:

I am immunocompromised:

This web application's purpose is to give analysis on whether the user is safe or not to go outside. We do this by taking the location which allows the user to track the traffic and overall congestion around their area, their age, data of any of their immune deficiencies, and weather conditions in their area.